Meet our Donors

David Salo, a resident of Summerlin, is a retired business executive, generous philanthropist and full-time adventurer. Although David is in his late 70's, he still rides his bike 40 miles a day three days a week, in addition to daily workouts in the gym and the pool. He travels extensively, mostly by chartered yachts. He has climbed Mt. Everest and competed in several marathons and iron man contests.

David has many charitable interests including St. Rose and has made very significant gifts to the St. Rose Dominican Health Foundation. David's gift of choice is the charitable gift annuity. He has funded several at St. Rose and other charities.

Gift annuities provide David with significant income-tax deductions that help offset tax liabilities that are generated by required IRA distributions and other taxable investments. In addition, the lifetime gift annuity income (with their high rate of return) helps increase his overall fixed-income return and provides him with a significant supplement to his retirement income. As an added bonus approximately half the annuity payment is considered tax-free income for several years. David says he makes these gifts simply because "it is the right thing to do" and from a financial standpoint it's a "no brainer." 

Herman and Carol Gordon were retired federal employees who relocated to Summerlin a number of years ago. Prior to Herman's death he established three deferred gift annuities for the express purpose of providing Carol with retirement income to replace the pension income that would terminate at Herman's death.

The Gordons were very astute investors and also charitably inclined. Herman used his knowledge of annuities, especially deferred gift annuities, to solve a personal financial issue while creating a charitable legacy at St. Rose. Since Herman did not know when Carol would need the income, a flexible deferred gift annuity provided a number of features that were very attractive to Herman. One, he could make the gift now and receive an immediate charitable income-tax deduction to lower his tax bill and, two, he could delay the annuity payments until Carol actually needed them.

While everyone at St. Rose misses Herman Gordon very much, it is comforting to know that Herman's thoughtful plans worked out exactly as he had intended and that the deferred gift annuities he established not only are benefiting Carol but eventually will provide significant support to the health care mission of the St. Rose Dominican Hospitals.  

William Maurice Moore was a fixture in Las Vegas since the days of Bugsy Siegel. He was a substantial contributor to the growth of this community through his hard work, his charitable contributions and his unconditional dedication to a vast number of friends. Bill blessed St. Rose Hospitals for the sole purpose of bettering the lives of others.

Bill was an early investor in local real estate. He was particularly fond of land in and around Pahrump. Through the provisions of his living trust, Bill left a bequest of several undeveloped lots in Pahrump to St. Rose Dominican Health Foundation as well as other local charities. In recognition of his charitable contributions to the St. Rose, the lobby of the San Martín Hospital is named in Bill's honor.

Robert and Dorothy Keyser (both deceased) were true Nevada philanthropists during their lifetimes and now in perpetuity through grants from the Robert S. and Dorothy J. Foundation. Several years ago the St. Rose Dominican Health Foundation received a very generous charitable distribution from the Dorothy J. Keyser Charitable Remainder Trust. In appreciation for this gift the Pediatric Playroom on the Siena Hospital campus has been named in honor of Robert and Dorothy Keyser.

As the Keysers discovered, there are many benefits derived from the establishment of a charitable trust. They are vehicles that are particularly well suited for gifts of highly appreciated, low-yield assets such as growth stocks, undeveloped real estate and private company stock. Charitable trusts provide an immediate and significant charitable income-tax deduction, avoidance of capital gains taxes, an increase in income and the opportunity to make a very significant gift. 

A very generous man, Richard A. Hardoin left his entire estate to charities, with the bulk of it going to St. Rose Dominican Health Foundation and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. According to his financial planner, Richard wanted his estate to benefit children because he didn't have any children of his own.

A devout Catholic, Richard was raised in Pennsylvania and spent most of his working years in Cleveland as an analyst for the Federal Reserve Bank. After retiring he moved to southern Nevada to help take care of his ailing mother, who at that time lived in Laughlin. Again according to Richard's CFP, Richard was a genius with numbers and did all his stock analysis to great success.

In honor of Richard Hardoin's generosity the Siena campus Pediatric Intensive Care Unit is dedicated to him.