The Caring Cart
The Caring Cart provides essential personal care and stress-reducing items, free of charge, to patients in need. St. Rose nurses know that small caring gestures can positively impact patients’ well-being and healing.
What's on the Caring Cart?
The Caring Cart is stocked with small essential personal care items—please see needed items below—to provide some pleasant distraction for patients. The Cart also includes magazines, novels, stress-reducing toys, decks of cards, brainteasers, and puzzle books. These practical items bring a sense of relief and comfort to individuals whose urgent need for medical care meant they did not have the time or ability to pack a well-stocked overnight bag.
• Combs & brushes
• Contact lens cases
• Contact lens solution, travel-sized
• Crayons & colored pencils
• Dental floss
• Denture adhesive
• Denture cleansing tablets
• Deodorant
• Hand sanitizer
• Hand lotion
• Magazines
• Playing cards / card games
• Prayer books for all religious faiths
• Word & number puzzle books
• Reading glasses in 2/2.5 strength
• Travel-sized shampoo
• Toothbrushes
• Travel-sized toothpaste
How Can You Help?
You can play a big part in this impactful effort by making a charitable gift and/or by donating needed Cart items. Every donation, big or small, makes a difference!
Financial Donations:
Your financial contribution will help to stock the Comfort Cart when specific items are in low supply.
Item Donations & Drop-off Locations:
We welcome your donations of needed items to replenish the Caring Cart! You may drop off donations at the Reception Desk in the Hospital lobby. Volunteers staff the desk during business hours, or you can drop your donated items in the Collection box at any time.
Share the Care:
Help us spread the word! Share this information with friends, family, and colleagues to encourage their support for this meaningful cause. Please contact StRoseFoundation@commonspirit.org if you represent a business or school that wishes to organize a donation drive. Donations from many caring friends add up to big impact!
Let's come together to provide comfort, care, and compassion to those who need it most.
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